RHAM Winter Warmer

Friday, December 18th, 2020 at 7 PM

Featuring performances by RHAM Middle & High School ensembles & soloists, and artwork by RHAM artists
The RHAM Music Boosters would like to extend a special thank you to those who bought tickets for the 50/50 Raffle, as well as our restaurant partners and sponsors for their support of RHAM Music.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Restaurant Partners

These local restaurants donated 10% of their takeout sales from the evening of the performance on December 18th to the RHAM Music Boosters!
Please make sure to thank them the next time you are ordering, and please support our local restaurants during this difficult time - they have always been there for us, and now we can return the favor with our patronage!

Restaurant Sponsors

Our restaurant sponsors (below) also donated to the RHAM Music Boosters to support this event.